
Катренов Жанибек Серикович

Председатель Совета Ассоциации «Болашак»

Образование по линии «Болашак»:

Montana Technological University, США, Инженерные науки в сфере горного дела, 2005-2008 гг.

Место работы:

Директор ТОО «Samga Petroleum» консультант, председатель экспертных клубов «Bolashaq Petroleum Club», «Energy Transition Club»

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Musaeva Tomiris Ermekovna

Education by “Bolashak”:

Caesar Ritz University, Manchester Metropolitan, Switzerland/UK, Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2010-2011.

Place of work:

Deputy Chairman of the Council

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Karbozova Ainur Bagdatovna

Education by «Bolashak»:

London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom, Public Administration and Management, 2009 -2010.

Place of work:

Deputy Chairman of the Council

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Хусаинова Асель Жомартовна

Образование по линии «Болашак»:

University of Leeds (Business School), Великобритания, Корпоративные коммуникации,маркетинг и PR, 2019 – 2020 гг.

Место работы:

Заместитель генерального директора, ТОО «Президент Отель»

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Жакипбаев Даулет Касымович

Образование по линии «Болашак»:

НЦССХ им. Бакулева, Россия, Сердечно-сосудистая хирургия 2010-2012 гг.

Место работы:

Заместитель руководителя Управление здравоохранения акимата Костанайской области

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Rakishev Baurzhan Aldabergenovich

Education by «Bolashak»:

Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery named after Bakuleva, Russia, cardiac surgery, 2010-2012.

Place of work:

Cardiac surgeon of the National Scientific Center of Surgery named after A. N. Syzganov.

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Shakulikova Gulzada Tanirbergenovna


University of Reading, UK, Economics and Economic Management, 2012-2014.

Place of work:

Chairman of the Board - Rector of NJSC Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after. S. Utebaeva

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Mankeyev Mukhtar Nauryzbaevich


University of Oulu, Finland, 2013

Place of work:

Deputy General Director of Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.

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Tulepbergenov Gani Kunanbaevich

Education by “Bolashak”:

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU)

Place of work:

X-ray surgeon-arrhythmologist (cardiologist)

City Cardiology Center

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Auesbay Kanat Auesbayuly

Education by “Bolashak”:

University of East Anglia, UK, journalism, 2013-2014.

Place of work:

Deputy Director of Elorda Aqparat LLP

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Elshibaeva Kulmash Galimzhanovna

Education by «Bolashak»:

St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, Russia, gerontopsychology, PhD, professor, 2013-2014.

Place of work:

“Psychologist sheberlik mektebi”, director, gerontopsychologist of the Central AD (Center for Active Longevity) KSU.

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Aubakirov Dauren Zeinullaevich

Education by «Bolashak»:

Boston University, USA, Project Management, 2017-2019.

Place of work:

Co-founder of SpaceLab.

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Abildaeva Asel Syzganbekovna

Education by «Bolashak»:

London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom, Accounting, 2010-2011.

Place of work:

Financial Director of «BayerKAZ» LLP.

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Yerbolat Yerzhan Yerbolatuly

Education by «Bolashak»:

University College London (UCL), MSc, UK, Network Computer Systems.

Place of work:

Air Astana JSC.

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Katrenov Zhanibek Serikovich

Education by «Bolashak»:

Montana Technological University, USA, Mining Engineering, 2005-2008.

Place of work:

Consultant, Chairman of the Expert Clubs “Bolashaq Petroleum Club”, “Energy Transition Club”.

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Tanzharikov Arman Faritovich

Education by «Bolashak»:

University of Texas at Austin, USA, Petroleum Engineering, 2010-2014.

Place of work:

Senior Consultant at Tengizchevroil, industrial manager at Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after Safi Utebaev.

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Taiyr Daniyar Abdikasymuly

Education by «Bolashak»:

Robert Gordon University, UK, Petroleum Engineering, 2008-2009.

Place of work:

Director of SSCity LLP.

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